Leader Family Caravans

Leader Family Caravans

Unpacking the World of Family Caravans at Adelaide RV: A Guide by Jeb


Hey there, caravan enthusiasts! Jeb from Adelaide RV here, and today’s episode of Adventure Ready is all about family caravans. With the market flooded with options, my aim is to clarify the choices and help you pick the perfect caravan to ignite that travel spark for you and your loved ones.



Understanding the 19’6″ East-West Bunk Van


Let’s dive into the 19’6″ East-West full ensuite bunk van crafted by Leader Caravans, from their Gold LE semi off-road range. This compact unit is designed for families who spend most of their time outdoors, offering a snug fit for a family of four with an option to squeeze in one more if needed. It boasts a well-sized kitchen, full pull-out pantry, and despite its compactness, it doesn’t compromise on privacy or essential amenities. However, if you’re a family that needs a little more breathing room during longer stays inside, this might be a bit close for comfort.


The Benefits of a Combined Shower-Toilet Setup in the 19’6″ Bunk Van


Now, let’s talk about a layout that features a combined shower and toilet, often a point of contention for many. Despite initial reservations, this setup frees up significant living space within the caravan. The trade-off is a mirrorless bathroom, but with a little ingenuity, like converting an acrylic panel into a mirror, you can have the best of both worlds. This version also comes with the luxury of a North-South bed arrangement, saving you from the bedtime acrobatics required in the East-West layout.





Stepping Up to the Spacious 21’6″ Bunk Van


For those of you who fancy the full ensuite but aren’t fans of the East-West bed, or love the North-South bed but can’t deal with a combined bathroom, the 21’6″ caravan hits the sweet spot. It’s a crowd-pleaser and a bestseller for a reason. This layout provides a generous amount of space, triple bunk options, and the highly coveted full ensuite with a separate shower and toilet.





Introducing the Innovative 22’6″ Double Door Bunk Van


For families who have a love for innovative solutions, the 22’6″ double door bunk van is a game-changer. It features a North-South bed, spacious kitchen, ample seating, and a bathroom that runs across the back of the van, allowing for a walk-through experience. This layout truly caters to older children or teens, giving them their own entrance and more autonomy on the road.






The Ultimate 25′ Family Van for the Larger Households


Last but not least, we step into the realm of the 25′ caravan, a home on wheels that’s ideal for the larger families. With the capacity for up to six bunks plus the parent’s bed, this mammoth of a caravan offers an extensive ensuite, abundant storage, and a sense of space that’s unmatched. It requires a beefy tow vehicle and ample storage space when not in use, but for those with the means, it represents the pinnacle of family caravanning.





The Common Thread: Standard Features Across All Models

No matter the layout you choose, every Leader Gold LE caravan comes with a set of standard features that include dual solar panels, grey water tanks, fresh water tanks, leather upholstery, fusion radio systems, and that additional interior height that makes all the difference.


Final Thoughts


I hope this guide has shed light on the multiple options available for family caravans and has brought you a step closer to choosing the right one for your adventures. At Adelaide RV, we’re not just about selling caravans; we’re about inspiring and equipping you for the journey ahead. So come on down, check out our range, and let’s get you Adventure Ready!


Until next time, safe travels, and don’t forget to enjoy every mile of this beautiful country!


For a more in-depth look or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at Adelaide RV. We’re here to help you embark on the great Australian journey in comfort and style!